Wednesday, May 6, 2020

An Argument for Euthanasia Essay - 2009 Words

An Argument for Euthanasia Euthanasia is defined as, The act or practice of putting to death painlessly a person suffering from an incurable disease. Euthanasia can be traced back as far back as the ancient Greek and Roman civilizations. It was sometimes allowed in these civilizations to help others die. Voluntary euthanasia was approved in these ancient societies. Today, the practice of euthanasia causes great controversy. Both pro-life groups and right-to-die groups present arguments for their different sides. Pro-life groups make arguments and present fears against euthanasia. I contend that the case for the right to die is the stronger argument. I will begin my by listing the arguments against euthanasia and my criticism of†¦show more content†¦This argument contains nothing that can be rationally argued against because it does not tell us when it is okay to interfere with God?s decisions. 4. The issue of euthanasia is a slippery slope. Pro-life groups contend that if we allow any type of euthanasia, sooner or later, we would begin killing off not only the terminally ill, but also the handicapped, the poor, the elderly and anyone else who becomes troublesome. The view that we should not make a decision because it could lead to other less prudent decisions later is not a reasonable foundation for setting policies, unless later decisions are definite, and are absolutely wrong. I would hope that the virtue of society would lead us to know where to draw the line between going far enough and going too far. At the present time, it is not clear if where the line is drawn now is where it should be drawn. 5. Euthanasia is killing. Most people believe that there are circumstances when killing is allowed, such as self-defense. The only question is whether or not the killing is justified under the circumstances. In the case of self-defense, killing is justified. The same is true of euthanasia. 6. People who request euthanasia m ay be requesting it because they are depressed and they may change their minds. I believe that psychological evaluation will detect the mental condition of a patient, and depression, if it exists, can be treated. Patients can be givenShow MoreRelatedEuthanasia - Arguments For And Against Euthanasia Essay1469 Words   |  6 PagesEnd of life - Euthanasia - Arguments for and against euthanasia. (2006, April 1). Retrieved November 6, 2015. This article sets out the most vital and most recurrently adduced arguments for and against euthanasia. Each subdivision takes as its root, one aspect of the discussion. For example, autonomy and the inviolability of life, designating how it is probable to argue both for and against euthanasia, correspondingly, on the basis of the identical facet. 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